Legend of the Supreme Soldier

Chapter 474 - Three Mechs

Chapter 474: Three Mechs

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

It\'s the red-tailed beasts!

There were 12 mechs, all different looking, fighting intensely against five red-tailed beasts. Bang bang bang! The sound of collisions never stopped. Whenever one of them crashed into the ground, it was enough to make the earth shake.

The red-tailed beasts were about the same size as the mechs, but they move more flexibly. Despite being outnumbered, they did not seem to be fighting at a disadvantage. The five red-tailed beasts evasively moved from building to building. The 12 mechs could not surround the creatures, and could only run around to keep them in sight.

Crash! Rumble! Dust was flying everywhere, as neither the red-tailed beasts nor the 12 mechs were particularly careful moving around the buildings. The red-tailed beasts were tough creatures, and the 12 mechs were also very strong. They chased each other around, destroying the buildings in their wake. Soon, all that was left was rubble.

Bong! There was a loud but dull sound. A strong wave of dust then hit Ye Chong in the face. Ye Chong instinctively shut his eyes, but he knew he was in trouble. That sound was very close to where he was. Could it be …

When Ye Chong regained his sight, his heart turned cold.

The mech laboratory was reduced to rubble. Everywhere was filled with debris, and dust was blown away from the center that was originally the lab. A red-tailed beast emerged from the dust and debris, hurling itself onto one of the mechs in the air!


Ye Chong and Shang cursed almost in sync.

Ye Chong pushed the cover away and came out. He bent over, taking cover behind the dust, and quickly entered the now defunct mech laboratory.

Looking at the microphoton repair device on the ground, or what\'s left of it, Ye Chong knew that his plan had gone to waste.

He studied his immediate surroundings. Both sides were deep in the fight. The 12 mechs were strong. Perhaps they were from some kind of elite squad. Each of them could take a red-tailed beast head on by themselves.

Suddenly, Ye Chong saw one of the mechs, one in red and black, with a shield and sword as its weapon, was pinned down by a red-tailed beast. Upon closer inspection, Ye Chong recognized the pilot - it was the examiner who used an average shield-sword mech earlier that day. These two mechs were very different, as this shield-sword mech was much more advanced than the average one he saw earlier. The maroon red alloy sword looked like it was covered with blood, and the huge shield was as dark as night. Together, they made the mech look like a killer from Hell.

It was not hard for Ye Chong to recognize the similar ways these two mechs moved.

However, he was rarely over curious, and without a mech to protect himself, the current situation was dangerous for him. Since the microphoton repair device was destroyed, he should leave as soon as possible.

Ye Chong was about to leave this dangerous place when Shang suddenly spoke up, "Ye, careful, mechs incoming!"

Ye Chong quickly hid behind one of the damaged walls. Given the complicated terrain, it would be difficult to notice him, even with holographic scanning.

Almost as soon as Shang finished his sentence, three black dots appeared in the sky. They came swiftly, and Ye Chong watched them grew larger and larger. There were three golden mechs, and they were fast! Ye Chong was surprised. However, when the three golden mechs finally landed, he felt a sense of familiarity.

Where had he seen them before?

Ye Chong recalled then of the 10 golden mechs he had seen at the abandoned factory, before he entered Crysound City. No wonder they looked familiar. He had seen them before. These golden mechs had a left a deep impression in Ye Chong. They could fly up to Mach 16 within the atmosphere. Their speed was truly astonishing!

Ye Chong doubt he could make a mech that could fly so fast himself if he had not been using skeleton material to his advantage,.

The three golden mechs join the fight without delay.

The three golden mechs looked different from one another. One of them had a typical sword and shield combination; one had twin swords; the last one preferred to fight at very close range, using small weapons that looked like parrying daggers.

The golden shield was covered with dark red patterns of roses. The golden sword in the mech\'s right arm was polished like a mirror. The mech was logically designed and well balanced.

It was the same combination of sword and shield, but the golden mech\'s had its own fighting style. Every move was bold, quick, simple and effective. The sword and shield worked together seamlessly, as the mech pilot fought gracefully with these weapons.

The twin curved swords were four meters long, thick at the back and thinner towards the blades edge. The swords were sparingly decorated, with only a sharp point at the handles. The mech with these golden twin swords had no means of defense, opting for the more extreme choice of attack. Without proper defensive tools, it protected itself through its attacks instead. The mech was brave and aggressive. Ye Chong noticed that this particular mech\'s arms must be specially designed, as they could move a lot faster than its two companions.

The last golden mech had a smaller and more compact build. Since it weighed less than the two other mechs, it could turn and move more deftly. It was similar to Ye Chong\'s clown mech, but much more superior in terms of design and build material. The mech pilot behind this mech was also quick to attack, making nasty strikes and blows that kept its enemies on guard.

Three elites!

Ye Chong made a quick estimation, and his face turned serious.

If the 12 mechs earlier were considered strong, then these three mechs were absolutely masters of their art! He was also a bit shaken by the fact that these three mechs were probably from the same organization, despite their very different designs. The gold colored alloy material was like the black colored black gold, probably a special kind of alloy.

Ye Chong believed that every part of the three mechs, every curve of them, were the result of countless experimentations. The organization behind these mechs must have excellent mech manufacturing talent. These three pilots were also very gifted, and Ye Chong knew that the organization must have more than these three working for them. After all, he had seen 10 of those golden mechs flying across the sky just the other day.

Putting Ye Chong\'s surprise aside, the balance of the fight outside was now changing quickly with the new arrivals.

The 12 mechs obeyed orders from the assassin-like golden mech and suddenly flew into the distance, leaving the five red-tailed beasts behind. They stopped when they were beyond the furthest of the five red-tailed beasts, and began to fly inwards. The 13 mechs formed a circular barrier, staying close to each other.

Ye Chong understood their intentions immediately.

They wanted to surround the red-tailed beasts, slowly restricting their space. Once the red-tailed beasts were forced towards the shield-sword mech and the twin-sword mech, who were at the center, these two powerful mechs would slowly kill off the creatures.

The battle proceeded as Ye Chong expected.

The 12 mechs closed in slowly towards the center, covering for each other in the process. The small-framed golden mech circled around their formation, assisting whichever mech that was attacked by the red-tailed beasts.

The plan worked. Ye Chong was able to witness the abilities of the two golden mechs surrounded in the center!

The golden shield-sword mech lured three red-tailed beasts towards itself, its sword swinging about like a huge shield, and the actual shield in its left hand defended itself flawlessly. By matching its pace and use of weaponry, the mech successfully drew three red-tailed beast towards itself. The three red-tailed beasts attacked madly, but the mech defended itself perfectly, blocking all of their attacks! The mech had simply warded off all the attacks from these three red-tailed beasts.

Strong! Ye Chong was impressed. He had never seen such a powerful defense. Ye Chong himself was more of an attacker, and he was always more inclined to attack, be it in hand-to-hand combat or mech battles. Even so, his defense was also quite good, mostly due to his strong determination and understanding his opponents well. However, he was still inferior compared to this golden shield-sword mech when it came to defense.

The golden mech with the two swords may attack ferociously, but Ye Chong thought the pilot was only just capable. Ye Chong\'s specialty was in attacking. The mech with the golden twin swords was strong, but not stronger than himself. If Ye Chong used Han Jia, he could kill off all five red-tailed beasts himself.

The way he saw it, these five red-tailed beasts were not as strong as the six-fingered red-tailed beast he was pursuing before this.

Could it be that the red-tailed beast\'s evolution increased its power not linearly, but in an exponential way? The seemingly unrelated question came to Ye Chong.

If that was the case, would the red-tailed beast also require an exponential increase in resources to evolve further up the ladder?

Suddenly, the battle that was going on faded into the background. Ye Chong was suddenly plunged into the issue that was totally unrelated to the battle in front of him.

Ye Chong had already identified the number of digits as an indication of the red-tailed beast\'s evolution level. From Fei Si\'s research, it seemed that these creatures needed pure energy and metal to evolve. If that was the case, there must be some kind of relationship between the power gained from evolution and the two elements that led to it.

Suddenly, Ye Chong remembered that the creature in the underground cave of that primary planet had a teardrop mineralite clutched in its hand, and seemed to realize something from it.

However, Shang interrupted right then, "Ye, they\'re gone!"

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