Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 68: Does my house have rules?

Brother Long saw that Zhang Xiao Qiang was standing halfway, and his brows arched, and asked: “Lil’ Bro, is there a problem?”

“Haha, many thanks for the goodwill of both brothers! I’m just thinking about taking a walk since I haven’t really seen the place!”

Zhang Xiao Qiang could disregard Yuan Yi, but he held Su Qian in a favorable light. She had been a manager once and had seen all sorts of characters. Yet, her demeanor was what drew Zhang Xiao Qiang in, with his otaku and somewhat masculine thinking.

“Oh that’s good, seems like Lil’ Bro just wants to survey the surroundings eh?” Brother Long was being extremely good-natured, seemingly accepting of everything that Zhang Xiao Qiang said.

“Lil’ Bro, shall I bring you around?” Chen Yi did not want to lose out.

“What the hell are you standing there for? Don’t you know where Brother Cockroach’s room is? Why aren’t you moving? Such an eyesore!” Seeing that Su Qian had taken the initiative to move to Zhang Xiao Qiang’s room, while Yuan Yi was still standing there numbly, Brother Long barked out, obviously feeling like he lost face.

Zhang Xiao Qiang agreed with Brother Long’s criticism of Yuan Yi, and thought to himself: “Maybe Brother Long also dislikes her? That’s why he must have given her to me?”

As Zhang Xiao Qiang was about to step out, Brother Long called out: “Now that the 2 women are in your room, our rules here as follows: they are your responsibility. Their meals will be your burden, and if you don’t feel up for it, you can throw them behind, letting Old Bin and the rest to help. Take note that the women will be shared by them as well!”

“Got it, Brother Long.” Zhang Xiao Qiang nodded, this was the rule of the apocalyptic world after all. Those with capabilities get to eat more. Even Brother Long and Chen Yi had to work hard as well. Not to mention himself, who had just joined recently.

The moment they walked out the front door, they heard a wail of agony, breaking the peace and serenity of the chicken farm. Chen Yi frowned, and looked towards the source of the noise, noting that there was a crowd. He turned to face Zhang Xiao Qiang: “Let’s go and take a look?”

As they walked forward, they could smell the chickens, and a number of men with sallow skin were gathered round, staring numbly. In the center, He Wen Bin was using a steel spear to whip a man. The man wasn’t very old, he didn’t even seem to be 20. He had a pair of shorts, and his back was full of bruises. He was hugging his head and crying out in pain.

Three and the other 2 Common-Face from yesterday were wielding weapons as they stood guard. A man who looked to be over his 50s was kneeling and knocking his head profusely as he pleaded: “Stop hitting him, please stop, he will be beaten to death! Hit me! Let me pay for my son’s misdeeds! Please! Brother Bin!”

Beside the chicken coop, there was a man in his late 40s, his nose huge and inflamed, and what little hair on his head was swaying in the wind. He wore a dark green military uniform, and there were many feathers on his clothes. His shoes were also covered in chicken shit. He had a .81 rifle slung to one side, his hands holding a white wine bottle. From time to time, he would glance over at the commotion.

“What’s going on?” Chen Yi barked out, and the men who were spectating immediately scattered, making way for him.

“Brother Yi, Brother Cockroach!” He Wen Bin and the rest immediately called out in greeting.

“Brother Yi, it’s like this, this lad had been feeding the chickens in the morning, and he hid an egg in his pants. Fortunately, old Drunk had kept count earlier, and saw the lad behaving suspiciously, hence he pointed the gun at him, and the lad spilled the beans in fright.”

He Wen Bin began to explain the situation, and Chen Yi’s expression turned ugly.

“Beat him! Beat him up good! He actually dared to take liberties while shirking from responsibilities? Trash!” Chen Yi was furious, especially now that food was scarce. This lad dared to steal food?!

He Wen Bin began to hit him again.

“Dad, Dad! Save me!! It hurts!!” The young man was rolling on the floor as he screamed out. He Wen Bin ignored his wailing and continued to lash out until he was tired. Three then stepped forward to take over.

Zhang Xiao Qiang watched quietly by the side, as he thought to himself: “Look carefully! This is the world now! There are no rights, no laws, no compassion! Those without strength will be beaten up if they stole. Zhang Xiao Qiang do you want to end up like him?”

The father of the young man continued to kowtow, as drops of blood began to appear on the ground. No one moved a muscle.

Seeing the blood, Zhang Xiao Qiang continued his thoughts: “This is the consequence of not having strength!” If one was lacking, then one should stay low-key. If one wanted to steal, one had to be prepared to be punished if caught.

Suddenly, he was reminded of the 2 dogs, and his weakness when facing them, that he could only await death.

He also thought back to escaping the D2, awaiting his fate atop the coach at that time.

When he remembered himself grabbing on to the Mutant Beast, allowing it to drag him for a whole night. At that time, he didn’t even know what would end up of him!

Many times, he had barely scraped through, staying alive up to now wasn’t due to his strength, but luck.

He realized he had gotten ahead of himself the past 2 days. From the way He Wen Bin and the rest handled their S-Type situation, how Chen Yi tried to rope him in and now currying favor with him, and Brother Long’s inclusion. He had forgotten himself and felt like he was at the top of the world? That he could wear his underwear on the outside?

He suddenly felt that he was so hypocritical, he had even admonished Yang Ke’er for having the same issue, and now here he was. He, who had run like mad when he saw the D2 not a few days ago, now acting all high and mighty because Brother Long and Chen Yi were both trying to pull him in, feeling that it was natural.

What a joke! He was just an otaku, and now, he was actually trying to be on equal footing with these triad members who had survived on the streets for many years. Which of them didn’t have blood on their hands?

The noises coming from the boy on the ground became softer, as it gradually rescinded to the sounds of panting and gasping. Even Three had reached his limits, his entire body drenched in perspiration.

“Alright! Go see if he’s still breathing, if he’s not dead, throw him back, we’ll reduce his chicken feed by half from now!”

The old man heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the order, as he thanked them profusely and hoisted his son onto his back, moving slowly with a trail of blood behind him.

Chen Yi accompanied Zhang Xiao Qiang as he went about the chicken farm. He saw that the there were large patches of barren land, and felt strange.

“Brother Yi, why don’t you guys get the cowards to do some farming? As long as the land is tilled, and tended to, I think you guys should have some food come autumn!”

Ai! Lil’ Bro, you don’t understand! We found some seeds nearby, but this freaking weather is too abnormal. It could be spring today, tomorrow summer, the next day, it becomes freaking winter! All the seeds and crops have died, nothing can grow.”

Chen Yi was also frustrated over the apocalypse, if they could grow crops, they wouldn’t have to risk their lives against the zombies. Yet, they had no choice but to go out continuously, and how many zombies were there? With over 60 billion people on earth, China had at least a dozen billion. How many people were still alive? If it were up to Chen Yi in the past, the young man would have been beaten to death. However, he did not do so because he knew exactly how precious humans were now.

When the 2 of them went back to the living room, Brother Long, Vulture and Cannon came out, and Brother Long spoke again to Zhang Xiao Qiang: “Lil’ Bro, you had just arrived here, you should rest up a few days. Once you’re familiar with the surroundings, you will have to head out like the rest of us to scavenge. Yesterday, your items were plenty, and it should be enough to last those women of yours for another fortnight or so. It’s settled then, we’re going out now. If you want to head out, just let Hairy know, he’ll open the gate for you.”

Brother Long wanted to go out to source for resources himself. Even Chen Yi was on his side on this. It seemed like they were truly forced to a corner.

When Brother Long and the rest stepped out, the chicken farm only had Old Hairy, Drunk and Three staying behind. Three was extremely warm to Zhang Xiao Qiang, heeding his beck and call. Zhang Xiao Qiang told him to go handle his own matters, while he returned to the room.

When he entered the room, he saw the mischievous Yang Ke’er sitting on the sofa, while Su Qian and Yuan Yi stood by her side, not daring to make a sound. His eyes widened in bewilderment: “Three Kingdoms?”

When Yang Ke’er saw Zhang Xiao Qiang entering the room, she immediately stood up: “Husband! I didn’t bully them! I was teaching them the rules of our Zhang household!”

“Does my house have rules? How come I didn’t know?” Of course, he didn’t voice this out and thought inwardly. After all, Yang Ke’er was still loyal, and she would do what he asked. It was fine allowing her to have her quirks.

“You step out first! I need to talk to them!” He motioned for her to go out.

Since he had established himself as the lord of the household, Yang Ke’er could only go out begrudgingly. When she closed the door, she slammed it shut hard, and the dust on the ceiling was shaken loose.

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