Gangster System: I Will Become The Greatest Gangster!

Chapter 76 1 Week Later Part 1

A week passed in the blink of an eye and before they knew it, they had already recruited quite a few more members from the fight club and were planning to open a second dojo so soon.

And it all stemmed from Connor\'s fights in the fight club.

His debut was arguably even greater and more entertaining than that of Xavier, and with his size and relentless fighting style, he was an instant crowd favourite.

But the days before his debut in the fight club weren\'t the easiest...


Spending 5 days training for hours each day with Sam, Achara and Xavier, Connor improved by leaps and bounds, and since he had quit his job, he devoted the rest of the time he had to the dojo.

Sam drilled punching technique into him and helped improve his guard, while Achara helped him become more comfortable using elbow and knee strikes, as well as blocking kicks.

As for Xavier, he gave him general tips and advice, as well as helped him improve overall and build around what Sam and Achara had already taught him.

Connor\'s dedication, determination and desire to learn, as well as his knack for combat, made teaching him surprisingly easy, and his progress was unbelievably quick.

And after merely 5 days, he was completely different in terms of his confidence and combat capability.

It was to the point that he could put up a good fight against any of those that trained him, and it was absurd to think that a human could be so strong even without lifting weights.

Even Achara no longer had any doubts about him fighting in the Wild Dog Fight, and the others were also training hard, with Karim showing the greatest desire to become stronger.

Xavier was glad to see everyone working hard, and in only a matter of 5 days, Karim claimed to have contacted nearly half of the one-eyed demon\'s high school distributers, and said that most of them were willing to stop distributing at a moment\'s call.

But that was because he was promising them better treatment, a higher percentage of the earnings and a larger supply, which were all things he heavily doubted he could provide.

However, receiving Xavier\'s reassurance that they would find a way, he decided to believe in him and continued forming more connections in drug distribution.

What he was doing was dangerous, especially since many gang conflicts came from selling drugs in another gang\'s territory, but he finally had an opportunity to be a boss in his own right, and trusted Xavier and the rest of the Outlaw Gang.

Still attending school, most of the rest of their time would either be spent in the dojo or making connections for Karim and his friends, and it was similar for Zack, who also did external research.

Meanwhile, the others practically lived in the dojo.

And it was at the end of the fifth day of Connor\'s training that Xavier revealed that Connor would be going to the fight club that night.

Of course, Connor was excited, but he was also annoyed that Xavier didn\'t give him a heads up, especially since he had been completing gruelling training the entire day.

But his annoyance merely got him scolded by Xavier, Achara and Sam, who all said to him that in a real fight the opponent wouldn\'t care what he had been doing the entire day and he should always be ready to fight.

Connor couldn\'t argue with the three of them and was itching to get to the fight club, which was evident from him visibly shaking with excitement.

And seeing that, it was hard not to wish to join him.


Deciding to fight on the same night as Connor, despite not previously planning on doing so, Sam felt his fire reignited by the hardworking and rapidly developing Connor.

And so did Achara, which surprised Xavier even more, remembering how much she was previously against fighting in the Wild Dog Fight Club or any other fight club out there.

But he was glad that they were all fired up and showing the hunger to progress that he wanted to see in them, while he was also looking forward to watching their performance.

Naturally, he was also itching to fight in the fight club, not only for the money, but just to be able to let loose and test out how much he had improved, but he didn\'t want to push his body too much.

He knew his limits, despite not always staying within them, and decided to rest for at least a few more days.

If he didn\'t, he could sustain some serious damage that would be much harder to recover from.


And with that, after calling his mother to inform her that he and Connor would be crashing somewhere else and that the triplets would be sleeping over with her, Xavier set off with the others.

Of course, she had her questions, but saying that they were hanging out with a friend at their place, she just sighed and couldn\'t tell what was the truth and what wasn\'t with Xavier anymore.

He was just so elusive and always kept everything to himself that it was hard for most to have a grasp of what was going through his head.

But she was glad that he seemed to be doing well and didn\'t mind the triplets staying overnight.

And since it was the weekend, they didn\'t need to go to school in the morning and there was no rush for Connor and Xavier to get back early, which was good.

Leaving Zack and Karim and his friends, who went home together, feeling more confident and capable after training for a week.


After closing the dojo and taking with them anything they needed, the 4 monsters made their way to the secret location that the 5 elite guards of the one-eyed demon had sent him merely a few hours before the fights were set to begin.

Xavier had called in ahead, and they were surprisingly quick to respond.

After he told them he wanted to set up a match against the Juggernaut, they were confused, since he had already beaten him.

But after clarifying that it wasn\'t for him and it was actually for a friend of his, the Unstoppable Titan, they were hesitant, but since he vouched for him so strongly, they decided to agree.

And the Juggernaut needed a redemption match anyway, and they were interested to see if Xavier was merely over-hyping his friend.

While since Xavier had also told them to prepare multiple opponents for his friend, although they were doubtful that someone else could pull off what Xavier did, they couldn\'t help but be intrigued.

But now, since Achara and Sam also wanted to fight, Xavier called them up once again, and the annoyance was clear in their voice.

However, after he told them that the Unstoppable Killer and Speedy Sam wanted to fight that night, despite the short notice, they reassured Xavier that they would get as many matches as they wanted as long as they showed up.

Ranking matches drew in a lot of money through gambling, and that was especially true for matches with fighters that the viewers enjoyed watching.

And Sam and Achara were certainly two of those fighters...

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