Who Made Me a Princess

Chapter 81

Claude woke up after 15 days.

At the extraordinary news, the Palace was in pandemonium. They didn’t reveal that he almost died, but they couldn’t hide the fact that he was hurt.

Also, the fact that he had injured himself protecting the only successor to the Obelia Empire was enough to influence the state of affairs.

Because there were quite a lot of ladies at the tea party, it was hard to hush it up.

But Claude had appeared completely fine at 15 days, so everyone was out of their minds.

“Princess, why are you up now?”

I wasn’t able to come to terms with everything that had happened.

“Didn’t I say you can’t come outside?”

Oops, I got caught!

I froze, caught red-handed by Lili.

S, Shit. I thought I could escape today because there wasn’t anyone around! But Lili happened to open the door just as I was about to turn the door handle.

She looked at me with a strict face.

“I said you need to rest. Now, go to your bed.”

“What about Dad?”

I couldn’t even check for myself, so someone needed to tell me what was going on.

But Lili tightly closed her lips at my question. I couldn’t tell what she was thinking.

However, I frequently asked her about Claude, so she was able to quickly hide her troubled face.

“His Majesty is also resting in bed. Here, you should rest as in your bed. So you can feel better faster.”

And Lili always had the same answer to my question for the past week. The probability of her changing her answer was slim.

“I’ll bring you warm tea soon. If you’re cold, you must tell me.”


She made sure I was snug in bed before she left. After I collapsed at the tea party, Lili became more overprotective of me.

Of course, I heard that I was in quite a critical condition at the time. But still. It wasn’t fair to wrap me inside my blankets like a cocoon and not let me leave my room.

I wasn’t even that hurt anymore. And Claude was even more hurt than me…..


I pulled the blanket up to my nose.

I hadn’t seen Claude for a week now. And no matter how much I tried to go see him, Lili and Felix stopped me.

I knew why they did that. The event from one week ago flashed in my head.


“Just who are you?’

When I first heard that, I suspected my ears. What did he just say? Did I hear wrong?

But even while I thought that, I stood there blankly. Because Claude’s eyes were looking at me coldly.

“Didn’t I ask who you are? Keuk.”

He asked me again and tried to lift himself up. But he groaned when he was half off the bed. Because of that, I momentarily forgot about what he said.

“N, No, you can’t! Get up like that.”

I quickly grabbed onto his arm. He was trying to carelessly move his body after not eating anything all this time! And had almost died during that time!

Claude’s eyes slid to my arm on his floor and they flinched.


Claude called for Felix. Oh right, I should’ve called for Felix and Lili right away! And the palace doctor.

Thankfully, Claude seemed alright, but also kind of dangerous…wait. Didn’t he just ask me who I was?

“Your Majesty?”

Felix appeared right away like he always did when Claude called for him He burst open the door, eyes wide. Well, it was expected he was shocked, since he was completely down in the dumps since Claude fainted.

“Your Majesty!”

He ran towards him and hugged Claude with a touched face.

Ahem….actually he was on his knees holding onto the Emperor like me but…it was similar enough.

And he looked like he would break out in tears any minute now. Lili, who entered after him, gasped and covered her mouth.

“Oh my goodness, you’ve woken up! It’s such a relief!”

“What? You’re acting like I woke up after sleeping for 10 years.”

Claude was looking at them like they were crazy. And Felix glared at Claude as if asking if he could joke about the situation right now. But I got a bad feeling about everything.

“But your face is weird today. Why did you age so much overnight?”

“That’s not fair! This is all because of a certain someone! And it’s not overnight. It’s already been 15 days since you lost consciousness.”


Claude scrunched his face at Felix’s words. He couldn’t tell if he was joking or if he lost his mind.

But Felix was serious, and Lili behind him was nodding her head with a tear-stained face.

Only Claude was confused.

I had been looking at him with my breath held for a while now. An anxious feeling was crawling up my spine.

Claude silently stared at Felix like he was trying to figure out what was going on.

“I’ll listen to the crap later.”

Claude clicked his turn and turned away from Felix to look at me.

“Who said it was okay to let other people into my bedroom.”

A cold voice cut through the air.

“Oh, I apologize, I didn’t realize that’s what you wanted.”

Felix thought Claude was upset because I would be worried to see him in his current condition. But I knew that that wasn’t what Claude meant. Because his eyes were looking at me icily. I unconsciously let go of his arm and backed up.

“What are you? If you were an assassin, you would’ve already been killed.”

My expression right now was probably similar to Claude’s earlier. Like I couldn’t understand what anyone was saying.

“Who was it? Sending such a young girl into my room.”

It wasn’t just me who couldn’t understand what Claude was saying. Felix and Lili were starting at him, their eyes as big as saucers.

“Was it Monberk? Or the crazy guy from Rachael. Whoever it is, they’ve gone crazy. Tell those trash to come tell me the truth. Then I’ll be merciful and stop at the guillotine.”

Claude continued to speak bitterly. And Felix asked with a bewildered face.

“Your Majesty, what are you talking about?”

“Are you asking because you don’t know? I’m talking about that girl in front of me.”

Claude pointed his chin at me, leaving no room for mistake.

“A, Are you perhaps talking about the Princess?”

“Princess? Just where is she the princess of to fearlessly come into my room?”

Everyone except for Claude stood still.

“Do you think I won’t be able to kill her just because she’s the princess of another country?”

He was looking at me like I was a stranger.

‘Just who are you?’

His words echoed around my head.

“Your Majesty, do you perhaps not recognize the Princess?”

“Are you her maid?”

It wasn’t just me, he couldn’t recognize Lili either. Lili’s face turned white from shock. And Felix shouted like he couldn’t believe it.

“Your Majesty! Think well. Princess Athanasia is your sole bloodline! You must be confused because you just woke up……”

“Felix, have you gone crazy?”

But Claude just glared at Felix like he lost his mind.

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